Quick Wins refer to simple, easily implemented actions that deliver immediate, short-term benefits in promoting EU citizenship among VET students and teachers. These initiatives typically require minimal resources and effort, making them ideal for rapid deployment to create visible impact and build momentum.



Here you can download specific Quick Wins:

4 days of visit, 16 hours of student homework and group sessions to provide knowledge on EU and European Parliament and discuss matters related to human rights, media and democracy, sustainability, equal opportunities.

Debates on European policies with the support of external experts:
6 hours in total to promotes students’ awareness and engagement with European institutions, values, and citizenship through in a dual approach: integrating European topics into the curriculum and leveraging European projects.

Team Europe guest lectures:
Team Europe is an estonia program that provides guest lecturers to schools on various EU-related topics. This initiative aims to bring expertise directly into the classroom, enriching students' understanding of the EU and its impact.

Study Trip to Brussels - Experiencing European Institutions Firsthand:
2/3 days annual study trip to Brussels, is open to ten students per school from three institutions and offers direct insight into European governance.

Erasmus Days:
2/3 hours Erasmus Days are organized as an interactive and informative event held at the beginning of the academic year in VET schools. The primary activity involves older students who have previously participated in the Erasmus program sharing their experiences with their peers.

Erasmus Marathon:
6/8 hours (2 half days) ENAC celebrates ErasmusDays with a YouTube Live Marathon, featuring Canossian schools and VET centers actively engaged in Erasmus+ mobility programs and also European partner organizations.

Backpack for internationalization: Online based material bank for different kind of activities and short games which the students can do by themselves or in pairs or in small groups. Our example is based on Thing link, which is easy to use and modify as a teacher. These themed “ backpacks” can be modified to be used in different subjects, it is easy in embed different sites, documents videos

Elections: "Shadow elections” or simulation of elections can be organized in the educational institution, on a current theme, e.g. local elections, parliamentary elections or even with a funny twist like choosing your favorite a Eurovision representative. For example the student board elections can be organized to simulate actual voting.

Gaining Insight into Europe during Work Placement (BPV):2-4 hours, spread over a few sessions. Students are encouraged to explore the EU's role in providing work, internships, education, and cultural exchange. Through interactive workshops and practical assignments, students will examine how European collaboration impacts their future careers and opens up opportunities in the European labor market.

Info Days: 1-2 days The Erasmus+ Info Days at AKMI featured presentations from past Erasmus+ participants, who shared their experiences studying or working abroad. Information sessions covered key topics such as application procedures, funding opportunities, and the benefits of EU mobility programs.

Autonomic Session: duration 3 days This educational event simulated the workings of the European Parliament, engaging approximately 120 students aged 16 to 18 from public, private, and semi-private educational institutions across Andalusia, Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla. Participants were assigned roles as Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and worked in committees to draft, debate, and vote on resolutions concerning current European issues

Virtual Exchanges: multiple days throughout the duration of the project.The VirtuEU project is a virtual exchange program designed to unite young people across borders, promoting active citizenship and civic participation. It engages over 2,500 students from Higher Education Institutions in EU Member States and Western Balkan countries through activities that foster a sense of European identity and community involvement.

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