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Improving awareness and understanding of the European Union within vocational training centres, ultimately promoting active European citizenship.


Strengthen collaboration between vocational training schools and create a sustainable network of vocational training institutions promoting European citizenship education: establish lasting activities between partners to facilitate the sharing of best practices and innovative teaching methodologies, creating a more dynamic and impactful learning environment for both educators and students

Strengthening European identity and awareness of EU issues among students: increasing the sense of European belonging and identification with common values among students, enabling them to critically engage with EU issues and policies.

Strengthen the European dimension in vocational training programmes: incorporate EU content into regular training/educational programmes.

Improving teachers' skills: enabling teachers to adopt material and pedagogical approaches to teach the European dimension.


WP6 (2)
WP6 (3)
WP6 (4)
WP6 (5)
WP6 (6)
WP6 (1)

Management and Coordination: this transversal WP ensures the general management of the project work, guarantees effective monitoring and evaluation of the project results and promotes communication between the partners

Mapping Best Practices and Reviewing the Needs of the Target Groups: This WP collects good practices concerning European Citizenship Education in vocational training in the partner countries. It identifies existing methodologies and best practices to improve the knowledge of the EU among teachers and students. It will also focus on the needs of the VET trainers involved to promote EU education

Designing a training programme for trainers: this WP focuses on the creation of a training programme for VET teachers on European citizenship education

Teacher training and co-creation of teaching materials: The objective of this WP is to provide experiential learning opportunities for VET providers involved in the project in order to improve the skills of VET teachers in delivering EU content and to promote effective teaching methods for EU subjects in VET schools. Learning activities include online modules and 2 face-to-face summer schools in Greece


Piloting - Activities with students: the aim of this work package is to implement the materials and pedagogical strategies developed in WP4 with VET students. These activities will include study visits to Brussels by the pupils, the organisation of events within the classes, transnational online activities and teacher exchanges.

Impact and Dissemination: this transversal WP focuses on dissemination activities

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