EUClass Wider and Deeper
The title of the project “EUCLASS WIDER AND DEEPER” well represents the purpose of ENAC that is on the one hand to continue the process developed during the previous JM projects (EUclass; Beyond EUClass), enlarging the number of schools, students and teachers that will take part in the project initiatives (WIDER) but on the other hand to offer to those schools, students and teachers interested the possibility to go in-depth in the studying and learning on EU issues (DEEPER).
Project’s Goals
The main aim of the project is to increase the knowledge towards EU issues both of students and teachers in order to bring the EU closer to the youth and improve their role within the EU democratic system. This general aim has been declined in specific objectives:
- to continue to explain the EU integration process to students and offer the possibility to deep the knowledge on specific aspects and dimensions related to the EU
- to contribute to the training of teachers providing them with knowledge and skills to teach EU subjects
- to create a network of schools interested in a stable cooperation focused on EU teaching and studying
- to give to students the opportunity to share their perceptions on the EU with other Europeans.
18 months (01/09/2015 – 28/02/2017)
EU-WIDE Conference for Teachers 26th-28th April 2016

EU Learning Week in Neumarkt 25th-30th july 2016