
For Teachers and Students

The main aim of EUCLASS project is to enhance knowledge and affection towards European integration in primary, secondary and VET schools in order to promote an active citizenship among students.

Project’s goals
The specific objectives of the project are:

  • to promote a “EUCLASS for students” improving their knowledge and affection towards the European Union to support the development of an active citizenship;
  • to make aware and contribute to the training of teachers in order to integrate their courses with issues concerning the EU integration with an interdisciplinary approach and illustrating them the opportunities offered by the EU within the educational sector;
  • to create Interdisciplinary Didactical Projects according to educational level through the active participation of teachers and a cross-curricula approach with the support of academic staff.

Project Info
Project Code: 542944-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-AJM-ICS
Education and training | Life long learning (2007-2013)
Jean Monnet (2007-2013)
Information and Research Activities for ‘Learning EU at School’

1 year (2013)

EUCLASS for Teachers Seminar - April 7th-9th 2014

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EUCLASS for Teachers Seminar - April 28th-30th 2014

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Meetings - EUCLASS for Students

Fidenza - 10th  December 2013 - Speaker Prof. Guido Montani

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meeting fidenza
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Milan -13th January 2014 - Speaker Prof.Antonio Padoa Schioppa

meeting milan
meeting milan
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Treviso - January 21st 2014 - Speaker Prof. Giorgio Anselmi

meeting treviso
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Trento - January 24th 2014 - Speaker Prof. Marco Brunazzo

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Feltre - February 14th 2014 - Speaker Prof. Marco Brunazzo

meeting feltre
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Brescia - March 7th 2014 - Speaker Prof. Marco Brunazzo

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Verona - March 13th 2014 - Speaker Prof. Giorgio Anselmi

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Brescia - April 1st  2014 - Speaker Prof. Giorgio Anselmi

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Foggia - April 15th-16th 2014 - Speaker Prof. Giorgio Anselmi

meeting foggia
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